
I am the Commentary Editor at, a wonderful new online
literary journal chock full of great writing of all kinds related to the topic of motherhood (including poetry and fiction).

I am currently actively seeking provocative commentary pieces for my section. I want stuff that really takes a position. The topic can be micro/highly personal or global or anything in between. The only stipulation is that it has to be related to motherhood in some way.

But... an essay on something like why you have no intention of ever becoming a mother would be just as welcome as one about why you think more people should have seven kids like you do. I would really love to get more submissions that tackle the politics of parenthood, as well as more material from men. So the motherhood topic is not really as
limiting as you might think.

What I'm currently getting a lot of from writers is actually more literary creative nonfiction - some really great stuff but not the op-ed pieces that I want. (We do however have a creative nonfiction
section and I will happily direct you to that editor if that's more up your alley).

We are not currently a paying market, but I can tell you in all sincerity that the exposure for writers who are published at is significant. We are getting lots of traffic, a
moderate amount of press attention, and I know for a fact that several writers have been contacted by editors at major magazines after their pieces ran in

Please forward all submissions to Length should be under 2K words and I prefer to receive submissions as Word attachments. I will consider reprints. Feel free to forward this message.